(一) 我很喜欢Budweiser的“Lost Dog”的广告,因为它真正的打动了我。这是一个关于友情的感人故事,主人与小狗的友情,马与小狗的友情。虽然故事开端并未对这些情感做任何铺垫,伴随舒缓的音乐起就开始叙事,但通过两次情感的起伏的表达,最终很自然的把故事推向了高潮。第一次是主人发现小狗丢失后出去寻找并贴出了告示(寻狗启示),一无所获地回来后与一匹马共同思念它的情感纠结。第二次是当小狗陷入险境遇到了狼的时候,它的伙伴们——马儿们一起来营救它并安全的把它带回家,这也是故事的高潮。而最后画面定格在了小狗和一匹马嬉戏玩耍,主人坐在旁边望着他们悠闲的喝着百威啤酒的安静画面,不动声色地将情感诉求与产品融合到了一起。从故事开始到结束,一直牵动着观众的心,引导观众随之剧情发展,达到最终产生共鸣的效果,很聪明的把产品(百威啤酒)幻化成了一种浓烈情感的符号,而不是在卖产品,我认为这就是它的emotional benefit的最成功之处!
I really like Budweiser SuperBowl Commercial “Lost Dog” which really touches my heart. It is a touching tale concerning friendship between a puppy and its owner, and between the puppy and horses. Without doing any foreshadowing for their friendship at the beginning, the commercial commences narrative with leisurely background music, and eventually naturally pushes the action to a climax through two emotional ups and downs: first comes when the owner missed his lost puppy together with a horse after a series of fruitless search for it; and the second, which is also the climax of the tale, comes when the horses rescued the puppy from danger --- encountering wolves. Finally, the commercial ends with an image where the puppy are playing with a horse while their owner looking at them, drinking Budweiser at ease. This image blandly integrates the emotion appeal with products. The tale, from the beginning to the end, moves the viewers, leads their emotion changes and finally sets up acoustical resonances. The commercial smartly transforms the product, Budweiser, into a symbol of powerful feeling, instead of selling products, which is, in my opinion, the greatest success of emotional benefit.
(二) Dove "Care Makes a Man Stronger"广告是引用了”爸爸“的角色,一声声”Dad”and” Daddy”的呼唤,把我们带入了童年关于亲情的回忆,它运用了最朴实也是现代都市里人们最易忽视的情感,不加渲染的表达了一种很强烈的感情。当然“时机”这个元素也非常的重要,例如那个保险广告“make safe happen”,因为投放的时机不对而引发了观众的抱怨。以上只是我的一点看法。
Dove commercial advertisement “Care Makes a Man Stronger” uses the Father personas, and the callings “Dad” and “Daddy” brought us loving memories of the childhood which is the genius feeling and unfortunately the most neglected one in modern metropolis. With no frills, it expresses a strong emotion. Timing is also a very important factor, of course. For example, an insurance advisement “Make Safe Happen” brought quite a crop of complaints from viewers due to the badness of time. Above is just my own view.